Tag Archives: hermit

Epiphany's Cast of Characters: Jubilation

Image: WoopWoopWarp-hippies-33410939-5000-3333

The third book I am writing, Epiphany, is peopled by characters Lori meets in the Oregon Cascades.  In previous blogs you have met Lori, our protagonist, then the Oregon logger who wants to show her Oregon’s secret places. While exploring, Lori meets Jubal who wants her to join him in his way of life.

Guarding the entrance to an almost forgotten cave full of petroglyphs, the village of Perils, named for the precipice shadowing it, hides stream side to the Blackwater River . The village patriarch, a highland hippy,  brandishes his bottle of whiskey  and announces through a blue cloud of marijuana,   that strangers are not welcome— but once there,     visitors     might     never     leave!
Jubal Speaks
I sport buckskin and bangles
Dance in moccasined feet
Hair falling in tangles
I whirl to the beat                                hermit
We live all together
And love wild and free
Like fur feather ‘n flower
We mate naturally.
I’ve found heaven’s key
That takes away pain
God touches me tripping
And I’m blissful again
Come sing songs of loving
Let all trouble cease
Enter into our dreamworld
Where you will find peace
Come-join us in peace!
Jubal Unspoken
I hide myself in mountain shadows
Swilling bottles empty
To fill with letters of love.
I send each one on the river run
That flows to mother sea.
But in backwater eddies, my secrets circle
I blow the sweet incense of Marijane skyward
Prayer smoke to my Father
And watch the smoke dissipate
To  become lost like me.

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Order the Historical Novel by S.K. Carnes,  The Way Back,
recently released in all e-book stores.